import random
import re
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Set, Tuple
= Dict[str, List[str]]
def nonterminals(expansion):
return re.compile(r'(<[^<> ]*>)').findall(expansion)
class ExpansionError(Exception):
def simple_grammar_fuzzer(grammar: Grammar,
str = "<start>",
start_symbol: int = 10,
max_nonterminals: int = 100,
max_expansion_trials: bool = False) -> str:
log: """Produce a string from `grammar`.
`start_symbol`: use a start symbol other than `<start>` (default).
`max_nonterminals`: the maximum number of nonterminals
still left for expansion
`max_expansion_trials`: maximum # of attempts to produce a string
`log`: print expansion progress if True"""
= start_symbol
term = 0
while len(nonterminals(term)) > 0:
= random.choice(nonterminals(term))
symbol_to_expand = grammar[symbol_to_expand]
expansions = random.choice(expansions)
expansion # In later chapters, we allow expansions to be tuples,
# with the expansion being the first element
if isinstance(expansion, tuple):
= expansion[0]
= term.replace(symbol_to_expand, expansion, 1)
if len(nonterminals(new_term)) < max_nonterminals:
= new_term
term if log:
print("%-40s" % (symbol_to_expand + " -> " + expansion), term)
= 0
expansion_trials else:
+= 1
expansion_trials if expansion_trials >= max_expansion_trials:
raise ExpansionError("Cannot expand " + repr(term))
return term
Fuzzing with Grammars
This article discusses the Fuzzing with Grammars chapter from The Fuzzing Book, exploring how its content could potentially be useful to the development of our tool, chasten. This article builds on the Mutation-Based Fuzzing chapter from The Fuzzing Book. Let’s dive into the details!
Here is an example of a basic grammar for a word, similar to how most programming languages would parse a variable identifier:
<start> ::= <word>
<word> ::= <word_char> | <word_char><word>
<word_char> ::=
a | b | c | d | e | f | g | h | i | j | k | l | m | n | o | p | q | r | s | t | u | v | w | x | y | z | _
We represent many other things using this syntax, including arithmetic expressions. Let’s build a simple grammar-based fuzzer that takes a grammar as a Dict
Now we can fuzz intelligently with a grammar. This chapter provides the grammar for URL, which we’ll use in the following source code:
= {
URL_GRAMMAR: Grammar "<start>":
"http", "https", "ftp", "ftps"],
"<host>", "<host>:<port>", "<userinfo>@<host>", "<userinfo>@<host>:<port>"],
["<host>": # Just a few
"", "", ""],
"80", "8080", "<nat>"],
"<digit>", "<digit><digit>"],
"0", "1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9"],
["<userinfo>": # Just one
["<path>": # Just a few
"", "/", "/<id>"],
["<id>": # Just a few
"abc", "def", "x<digit><digit>"],
"", "?<params>"],
"<param>", "<param>&<params>"],
["<param>": # Just a few
"<id>=<id>", "<id>=<nat>"],
[ }
Now we can use it to see that the generated inputs are all valid URLs:
for i in range(10):
print(simple_grammar_fuzzer(grammar=URL_GRAMMAR, max_nonterminals=10))
The value max_nonterminals
gives the fuzzer an upper limit on how many symbols it can randomly generate until ending the expression.
Grammars can be used as a kind of way to seed an input before mutating it. This way, instead of having a static seed for mutation, your seed can be randomized as well. Just when you thought fuzzing could not get any deeper, right? We can apply this directly to mutation-based fuzzing that we discussed last week in the article entitled Mutation-Based Fuzzing.
def delete_random_character(s: str) -> str:
if s == "":
return s
= random.randint(0, len(s) - 1)
pos return s[:pos] + s[pos + 1:]
def insert_random_character(s: str) -> str:
= random.randint(0, len(s))
pos = chr(random.randrange(32, 127))
random_character return s[:pos] + random_character + s[pos:]
def flip_random_character(s: str) -> str:
if s == "":
return s
= random.randint(0, len(s) - 1)
pos = s[pos]
c = 1 << random.randint(0, 6)
bit = chr(ord(c) ^ bit)
new_c return s[:pos] + new_c + s[pos + 1:]
def mutate(s: str) -> str:
= [
]= random.choice(mutators)
mutator return mutator(s)
def multi_mutate(s: str, n: int) -> str:
= s
res for i in range(n):
= mutate(res)
res return res
= 10
n_grammar_seeds for i in range(n_grammar_seeds):
= simple_grammar_fuzzer(grammar=URL_GRAMMAR, max_nonterminals=10)
original = multi_mutate(simple_grammar_fuzzer(grammar=URL_GRAMMAR, max_nonterminals=10), 5)
mutated print(f"original: {original}")
print(f"mutated: {mutated}")
mutated: fdp://ispa.saR2land
original: ftps://
mutated: http://}srpassword@ciSpa.saarlan$?x43=1
original: ftps://
mutated: https:/
mutated: https://fuzzingbook&com:48?abc02&X2=5
mutated: httpS://f5zzinTebookcom:8080
original: ftps://
mutated: http://cisp`.saaland:80/?0\0=ef
original: ftps://
mutated: htts://'o:80
original: ftps://
mutated: ftpG:^//user:password@www>google.coi:84
mutated: ftp:/csp"
On one hand, introducing grammars into chasten
would allow for a greater amount of code coverage on different function inputs. On the other hand, their implementation could introduce many issues, such as the fact that we would have to create a large number of test cases in order to cover all the new possible inputs that we just discovered. That is why these fuzzers should be introduced carefully and only in places where we need to consider all inputs extensively. For example, there are an infinite amount of XPath
expressions that could be introduced into the configuration of chasten
making it impossible for someone to test all inputs for it manually.
However, if we could use grammar fuzzing to create sample inputted XPath
expressions, we would save ourselves a lot of time as you could create a large number of inputs very quickly. Using grammar fuzzing on smaller functions, however, could have the opposite effect as it could mean that we were creating many tests for functions that didn’t need extensive testing.
The usage of grammar-based fuzzing could save our team a great deal of time in testing, but if misused these functions will cost us much more time than they are worth.
Use Cases
Using grammars as a simple means of specifying input languages can have significant positive effects on our project. For example, by using a grammar to generate non-terminal symbols we can create an efficient and varied grammar fuzzer tool for chasten, which can be done with theGrammarFuzzer
class or one of its varied derivatives.
It is worth noting that the tests for chasten already use from hypothesis_jsonschema import from_schema
in tests like
. This leverages the hypothesis tool to automatically generate inputs that adhere to a provided JSON schema like this one in JSON_SCHEMA_CONFIG
"type": "object",
"required": [],
"properties": {
"chasten": {
"type": "object",
"properties": {
"checks-file": {
"type": "array",
"items": {"type": "string"},
"required": [],
"additionalProperties": False,
We can think of this JSON schema as being like a grammar. With that said, it is important to note that hypothesis
only generates inputs that exactly adhere to the grammar and thus we would have to introduce mutation of the generated inputs if we wanted to perform mutation-based testing. If we could find a JSON schema for XPath
expressions, then we could use hypothesis
to automatically generate inputs that adhere to the schema and then add our own mutations when we want to see how well our program handles abnormal inputs. Sounds useful!