Knowledge Sharing
How can we effectively share knowledge?
Week Five
Monday, September 23 – Friday, September 27
Monday: Professional Development - Discussion leads facilitate the discussion of a published executive summary:
- Team-Based Discussion of SE4: Knowledge Sharing
- Preparation for SE5: Engineering for Equity
- Discussion leads facilitate the discussion of a published executive summary:
Wednesday: Technical Development - Discussion leads facilitate the discussion of a published executive summary:
- Team-Based Discussion of FB4: Mutation Analysis
- Preparation for for FB5: Mutation-Based Fuzzing
- Discussion leads facilitate the discussion of a published executive summary:
Thursday: Project Development - Collaboratively implement and deploy into production a software tool:
- Explore the use of the software tools subject to development
- Elicit requirements for the software tools subject to development
- Create issues in the issue tracker to describe new features
- Assign tasks to each team member
- Set deadlines for the completion of the tasks
- Collaboratively implement and deploy into production a software tool:
Friday: Developer Development - Publish executive summaries to the Developer Development blog:
- Publication of SE5: Engineering for Equity
- Publication of FB5: Mutation-Based Fuzzing
- Programming Skill-Check:
- Use of the following software tools:
- GitHub and GitHub Classroom
- Python, Poetry, and Pipx
- VSCode and Python programming tools
- GatorGrade, GatorGrader, and ExecExam
- Basic Python programming knowledge and skills
- All covered source code and technical concepts in FB
- Use of the following software tools:
- Publish executive summaries to the Developer Development blog: